Mysterious voice heard by people around the world: The Taos Hum

Mysterious voice heard by people around the world The Taos Hum

The Taos Hum is a phenomenon of nature that people around the world claim and hear how they still hear.

The Taos Hum is reported to be heard by people from all corners of the world, like a diesel engine.

Especially in America, England and Northern Europe, people say that they hear this humming sound from time to time. On July 10, 2011, residents of Woodland town in England announced that they had heard this humming for 2 months.

In a congress in 1997, held in the small town of Taos in New Mexico and named this roar, the researchers tried to reach the source of this sound but failed.

The true cause of the Taos Hum, which still contains many explanations about its source and cause, was not found.
