50 scientifically proven ways to improve your persuasion

50 scientifically proven ways to improve your persuasion

Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive, a popular psychology book written by Noah Goldstein, Steve Martin and Robert Cialdini, with hints and examples based on improving the ability to persuade psychological research. According to the authors, “persuasion” is not an art but a science. As such, everyone can develop this ability with the right approach. So, what are these 50 ways? Although the suggestions may seem like for business life, you can easily apply them in your daily life. When you learn the science of persuasion, you will see how easy persuade people are.

  1. Show that the demand is high

The transition from the recently received “Operators are waiting” message on the phone lines to “Call again if the line is busy” has created the perception that everyone is trying to buy the same product, increasing the call volume and demand for the product / service.

  1. Personalize herd psychology

In order to encourage the recycling of towels in the bathroom of a hotel, he gave the information “Many of those who stayed in the room before you recycled their towels were environmentally friendly”. However, when the article was changed to “The majority of the people staying in this room showed that they were environmentally friendly by using their towels again”, recycling increased by 33% since the message was almost the same and the personality increased.

  1. Ads that show negative behavior trigger this behavior

In a study conducted in Petrified Forest National Park, two different warnings were worked out to prevent the pieces exhibited in the park from being stolen. One warning was informed that a large number of pieces were stolen during the year, while in another, visitors were asked not to relocate the pieces. The first warning raised the rate of theft three times since it gave the feeling of how common the play action was.

The advertisement, prepared to encourage women to vote and informing that 22 million women did not vote in the previous year, also created the perception that non-voting was socially accepted; did not achieve his goal.

  1. Avoid positioning relative to the average

In a study in California, electricity use in a region was observed weekly. According to the results of the research, A thank you note has been sent to people who are conservative in electricity use, and a small warning note has been sent to those who use it more generously. The result is amazing; While those who use electricity above average try to reduce their use, those who learn that they use electricity below the average increase their electricity consumption. This study, which unintentionally increases the general electricity usage of the region; Rather than creating a perception of “you are below average” for people who are frugal in energy use, they were corrected by asking them to “continue what they are doing” together with a “smiling face”.

  1. Do not offer too many options

Since the multitude of options seems to be extra work to the brain trying to make a decision; makes it less likely to choose. One example demonstrating this; a company that prepares retirement programs for other companies. When two different retirement programs are offered to employees, 75% of these people apply for a program; When the programs are diversified, this rate has decreased to 60%. Another example is that sales of a recognized shampoo brand increased by 10%, with 11 of the 26 varieties on the market.

  1. Do not give your products as a promotion

In a research conducted to measure the attractiveness of the products; One of the participant groups was given a photograph of a bracelet, while the other group was informed that it was given free of charge along with an expensive bottle of liqueur; The appeal of the product was asked from both groups. While the second group found the bracelet less attractive; Up to 35% potential buyers in the group have also been lost.

  1. A more expensive product makes the old version more attractive

The example here is a company called Williams Sonoma. When a newer, more featured and higher price product is launched; sales of old products of the company increased at once. Although the new product is seen as the “best in its field”, the price of the old product, which is less qualified, has started to be more reasonable.

  1. Do not trigger with fear to activate

In a study to demonstrate the importance of tetanus vaccine, a group is given a leaflet about the dangers of tetanus; The other group was also informed about how to get a vaccine. The first group, fearing the dangers of tetanus; While blocking this information in their minds, the application rate for vaccination in the second group was quite high.

  1. Give small gifts

It has been observed that a lottery ticket seller, who gives them small gifts, the rate of the people they give gifts to increase from this seller.

  1. Use your handwriting

While researchers distribute three different questionnaires in an office; A handwritten note was added to the first questionnaire and they were asked to answer the questionnaire. The second group was asked to answer the questionnaire in handwriting. The third group received a questionnaire, in which the names of the questionnaire were written with a string. While the response rate of the first group was 75%, this rate decreased to 36% in the third group. Although a personalized approach is appreciated, a hand-written post-it notes; The presence of an extra effort reinforced the perception.

  1. “Peppermint” tactics

In a study examining the rate of tip in restaurants; Based on the waiter’s serving peppermint, the importance of the time of catering was studied. When peppermint sugar was given to the customer with the voucher, the tip rate increased by 3.3%; The candies brought after the meal after the meal increased the tips by 14.1%.

  1. Do not make it compulsory

In the hotel described in the second article, two different messages about encouraging the re-use of towels have been tried. In the first, it is stated that if towels are reused, donations will be made to environmental organizations; In the second message, due to the trust that customers are sensitive about recycling, the donation has already been informed. The recycling rate of the people who received the second message was 45% more than the first group.

  1. The value of the favor

While the value of the good done increases with time in the eyes of the person who does the good, it loses its importance in the eyes of the person who benefits from it. In the study on the subject, people working in an office were asked to do little good to each other and then evaluate what they gave and received. A few weeks later, when employees are reminded of these favors and asked to re-evaluate; as the value of what the creator does in his eyes increases; In the eyes of those who took it, the value of goodness decreased.

  1. Desire small favors to lead the elders

The researchers asked a group of landlords to hang the sign “Use your vehicle carefully” in front of their home. The positive return rate was 17%. 76% of the second group of landlords agreed to put the warning in their gardens. If the difference is With the perception of being “sensitive” in this group, the warning that the second group asked to hang on their windows a few weeks ago; is that larger requests became acceptable.

  1. Increase participation by classification

A group of people interviewed before the elections were asked about their voting habits. Half of the group was said to be “politically active and inclined to vote” in line with their answers. Considering the results of the elections, it is observed that the group, which is considered as “politically active”, has a 15% higher participation rate.

  1. Ask for written words

The students, who were asked to volunteer on AIDS-related trainings, were asked whether they would participate in the project orally or by filling out a form. While the participation rate of those who verbally stated that they would attend was 17%, 49% of the form fillers fulfilled their promises.

  1. Strengthen ideas for reasons

In a telephone study, he asked the participants if they would vote in the upcoming elections. Some of the participants who responded positively were asked the reasons for voting in addition to the first question. While the voting rate of the first group, whether they will only vote or not, is 61.5%, the voting rate of the second group, which states any reason, was 86.7%.

  1. Change of conditions

People are not too inclined to change their minds and perspectives because they are afraid to look inconsistent. Changing the conditions, on the other hand, gives the chance to change their perspective without making them feel “inconsistent”. In case of any decision, when you tell the other person that their old choices are 100% correct in the old conditions; In the new situation, you can easily persuade them to adapt to the new situation by showing that the conditions have changed since the first time.

  1. Ask for help

Sometimes asking for help is the easiest way to convince the other person. In a study conducted on two groups, the participants were given some money as a reward. Afterwards, it was stated that the researcher paid the money given to the first group participants and asked if it was inappropriate to request them back. Finally, when two groups were asked to evaluate the researcher; Even if the first group did not receive the money, it evaluated the researcher’s characteristics more positively.

  1. Start with small steps

Door-to-door researchers wanted to raise donations for the American Cancer Society. The first group asked the people they knock on to donate, while the second group expressed their requests by stating that “even one lira would be enough”. The results are as follows; While the first group donated 28.6%, the second group 50%.

  1. Promote low prices

A study on eBay users has shown that people competing for lower priced products increase their prices more often and spend more time buying the product.

  1. Impress without showing off

Instead of telling you or your work by praising, secretly presenting the evidence that will create this perception will help you affect the person more. To give an example from daily life; doctors can hang their diplomas on the wall or “references” sections on their website.

  1. Danger of being “the best”

Being the best will increase your self-confidence. However, like scientists who are hungry for new discoveries, it is useful to question the established rules. Keeping your amateur spirit and excitement alive while taking advantage of being the best; it will help you increase your persuasion ability with different methods.

  1. Become the devil’s lawyer

While those who are in a managerial position in business life increase their dignity by valuing opposing ideas; they develop better relationships than those who impose their own ideas and exclude opponents. However, in order to have your ideas accepted and to convince the other, you need to be open to finding a middle ground as well as producing different ideas.

  1. Give negative examples

The first group of the two firefighters, which was divided into two groups, given a list of the mistakes made before them to one group, and the list to be done to the other group; When they encounter any of the situations in the list, it is observed that they have a higher understanding and comprehension skills. While our brains ignore good examples, even a single bad sample can be selected from the middle.

  1. Recognize negatives from the beginning

In order to convince the other, exaggerating the positive features of yourself, the situation or your product and not talking about the negative features are the biggest mistakes you can make. An open dialogue in which negativities are also spoken to reflect the true value of what you have and what you can offer; it will help you impress.

  1. Give the negative features together with the positive ones

In the first of the three advertising posters prepared for a restaurant, the intimate atmosphere of the restaurant, in the second, the lack of parking space, and in the third, these two features are combined. The result is as follows; the people who saw the third advertisement made a positive connection between the atmosphere of the restaurant and the lack of parking space; “The restaurant is so beautiful that even parking is not enough”.

  1. Accept trust by accepting your mistakes

In investor meetings, Firm A attributed the drop in sales to economic conditions, while Firm B stated that it was due to administrative errors. The firm’s acceptance of the mistake made the investors feel that the situation was “under control” and made them look hot towards the firm. Firm A, on the other hand, was the ship of a captain who lost control, drifting in the sea.

  1. Make similarities

To investigate the effects of similarities on return; Regardless of the subject of the questionnaires, the questionnaire was sent to Cindy Johnson by someone named Cynthia Johannson, while it was sent to John Smith by the name Gregory Jordan. It was observed that even the phonetic similarity increased the average return rate from 30% to 56%.

  1. Similarity between names and life

According to the research, there is a mutual interaction on the names and lives of people. While the number of people named Florences living in Florida is quite high, the rate of Dennis who choose to be a dentist is about 3 times the number of dentists of other names.

  1. Pour the words and increase the interaction

The waiters, who repeatedly repeat the order they received from the customer, received 70% more tips than the waiters who said “okay” after receiving the order. This is because the effort to make everything perfect in our subconscious is appreciated.

  1. Don not just smile

In an experiment on two groups; While the first group smiled at their entrance to the hotel, they were greeted by an officer who had a dialogue with the customer, while the other group was greeted only by an officer who did his work with a smile. The smile of the attendant, who was interested in the second group, was found contrived by the customers.

  1. Limited production or termination of production

General Motors’ announcement that it will stop production after purchasing Oldsmobile has greatly increased Oldsmobile sales. Announcing the low number of products purchased within the year due to the weather conditions increased the meat sales in Australia; British Airways’s announcement that the super-fast flights will be lifted caused the tickets to run out quickly.

  1. Classy in demand

In the experiments without informing, most of the users preferred “new cola” to “classic cola”. However, when the new coke was launched, there was a huge reaction. To solve the situation, although the same product is placed in both classic and new packages; users have suggested that the classic is much better than the new one, and although the only difference is packaging, they can understand the difference in flavor.

  1. Use “because” when making a statement

During the copy machine, a researcher who wanted to stand out in the queue said, “Can I go ahead? I’m in a hurry,” said 94% of those in the queue. “Can I get ahead of you? Because I need to copy”, the rate has dropped by only 1%, although everyone is waiting for the same reason. The same question “Can I go ahead? I have to make a copy,” said the proportion of those who placed it, only 24%.

  1. Don not ask too many reasons

In a study at BMW, the first group said to the participant, “There are many reasons to buy BMW. Can you count 10 of them?” “There are many reasons to buy BMW. What is your reason for?” she was asked. Just like the negative effect of giving too many options, asking too many reasons strengthened the possible options of the participants in the first group in the direction of Mercedes Benz.

  1. Choose easy-to-pronounce names

In a study conducted on the stock market follow-up screen between 1999 and 2004, it was observed that the demand increased as the phonetic fluency of the bonds increased.

  1. Choose rhyme slogans

Participants of a study were asked to choose between the slogan “Caution and measure will win you treasure” and “Caution and measure will win you riches”. The first option was found to be more functional and meaningful than the second.

  1. Be sure to provide enough information

In the research, while a group of participants were given detailed information about 6 different departments of a shopping center; the other group was given a brief introduction to the same shopping center. Then, 3 different departments of another shopping center were presented to both groups in detail. While the participants in the first group preferred the first shopping mall that offered more detailed information; Participants who received a promotional letter preferred the second shopping center.

  1. You must start well to be able to encourage

A car wash center offered a free wash opportunity after 8 washes from two groups of customers to the first, printing one stamp on their cards. The second group offered the customer a free washing service after 10 washes and printed 3 stamps on their cards after the first wash. Although both groups needed 7 visits to benefit from the free washing facility, the return rate of the first group was 19%, while the rate rose to 34% in the group.

  1. Make concrete connections

The Crayola brand has observed that the “corn yellow” and “Kermit green” they give to two of their dyes are more effective than the names of all other colors. The reason is that concrete metaphors make it easier to make a meaningful connection between the product and its name.

  1. Use the name of the brand in advertising campaigns

When asked about which battery company is a “never-ending” rabbit in its ad, the answer is largely “Duracell”. When the Energizer firm’s bunny campaign was launched, the sales of Duracell increased.

  1. Using the mirror increases awareness

Children who are asked to buy only one candy from the box, when they are left alone in the room; While the rate of children receiving extra sugar when there was a mirror in the room was 8.9%, this ratio increased to 33.7% when there was no mirror in the room. While 46% of the people that a wet wipes company gave the wipes to leave the room, this rate dropped up to 24% in a mirror hallway.

  1. Influence of negative emotions

While the first of the two groups, a movie very close to the main character was killed, no movie was watched in the second group. When asked to put a price on the product shown to them, the price they gave in the group watching the movie was 30% higher than the other group.

  1. Tired people accept it more easily

This is the reason why some advertisements run late at night. The participants selected for the study were grouped as “very tired and sleepy” and “vigorous”. Although the product was promoted in the same way to both groups, it was seen that the first group had a higher tendency to receive.

  1. Get help from caffeine

Normal orange juice was given to the first group and orange juice containing caffeine was given to the second group. Afterwards, both groups were presented with strong and weak arguments on a particular subject. While the two groups rejected weak arguments, the second group, whose minds were opened with caffeine, recognized the positive aspects of the strong argument, and accepted 30% more.

  1. Meet face to face

In a study, while the participants were introduced face to face in the first of the two groups, the second group was not introduced. When asked to solve a problem via e-mail later, 6% of the first group could not solve the problem, while the second group’s failure rate increased to 29%.

  1. Differentiation of individuality

While the slogan that a chewing gum company uses and returns in Western Europe and America is “better for you”; It is observed that the ads that have the same effect in Eastern Europe and Asia are those that focus on collective benefit such as “for other people who smell your breath”.

  1. Differentiation of commitment by cultures

A group of American and Asian students were asked to participate in a survey. A few weeks after the first survey, they were asked to participate in another two-fold survey. While the rate of American students completing the second survey is 22%, the rate of Asian students is 10%.

  1. Response to voicemails

While the proportion of Americans accepting voicemails is 50%, this proportion increased to 85% in Japan. It is determined that Japanese participants consider it important because they can evaluate voicemails over intonation, highlights and pauses.

It is not enough to have leadership skills to be a leader. Mastering leadership is much more important. To achieve this, you have to convince those around you. Who knows, one day you found yourself in Salesforce executive team. Is it difficult? There are only 50 things you need to do. Now you know the way.

Source: uplifers.com