What changes when you stop using social media?

What changes when you stop using social media

We can say that quitting social media has been the technological level of leaving everything and settling in a holiday town: Everybody wants but few people succeed. So, what changes in the lives of those who can achieve this?

Everything you can see and see in life, every situation, every sound, every smell, every action is a stimulant. We can compare everything you encounter during the day to a 1-kilobyte file that takes up space on the computer. Every time you enter Instagram and slide your hand, a new photo is transmitted to your brain even if you don’t fall on it. The human brain, by nature, stores this data for a while; the things you don’t care about most are kept for 24 hours. You continue to collect data every time you renew Instagram or Twitter. In 2 hours of social media use, nearly 3,000 data are transferred to your brain, which means that you store every photo, every description, every article, and they stay in your brain for 24 hours. This data flow is exhausting the human brain; you are dealing with a thousand kinds of variables even if you are not aware. When you quit social media, this burden decreases tremendously. When you leave social media, you realize how the posts, which do not take two seconds to digest, weigh in your brain.

Your life is surrounded by data that does not work for you and does not affect you. The brain adapts to them so quickly that it does not react much to stimuli, whether important or not. Since you are very familiar with disposable information, even if there is an issue of interest to you, you are beginning to fail to react adequately. To put it in the mouth of the street, ‘you are tying the goods’. This leads to a weakness in debugging issues that are important to you and you sail towards a mentally lazy illness. You cannot clearly perceive what is going on due to the concentration disorder, this dilemma brings with it an increasing level of selflessness. Since nobody can say ‘I don’t trust myself and this bad life I live in is entirely from me’, you tend to throw the blame on external causes. As a result of all this, you become a dissatisfied, unhappy, angry person. This creates a state of recurrent stress.

Comparison seriously affects the human brain. Every possible comparison affects us in a bad way, since we have put evolutionarily in the mind to take place in society. When we look at the posts of others from social media accounts, it shows itself as a comparison reflex; We acquire the ‘habit’ of comparing the lives we see with the life we live. This is a kind of habit that forms the core of our topic. One makes it customary to compare itself to others. The benefit of this habit is this: the brain is constantly repeating what is not in itself. Let’s give an example as follows; When the person with poor financial situation follows a millionaire and looks at his posts, he constantly remembers being poor.

What happens if we constantly think about the negative and remember our pain again?

As always, the brain comes into play and accustoms people to the thought that exists; Acceptance begins in people whose deficiency is struck every day. He admits that he can never be happy, never live like any other. He cannot see that this is a mistake, that every person is dealing with certain troubles, that life is not pink for anyone. In the end, he thinks everyone lives perfectly but he misses this train. Since it is constantly stuck on social media, the brain has no chance to get rid of this spiral of thought. When we quit social media, this comparative impulse, which covers perhaps 70% of today, disappears. Since we do not always look at the lives of others, we do not feel the need for any comparison. Every person who has a lot of fun with others ultimately experiences self-confidence. This is a result of sociality. This situation disappears when you quit social media.

What changes when you stop using social media

When a person is constantly given the same thing, the brain develops tolerance. Social media imposes a level of intelligence far below the average level; We see stale jokes, posts based on anger, fanaticism and fight on social media. Since this is an area where everyone can enter easily, the level of intelligence necessarily hits the bottom. Even if you don’t want to, you encounter them all the time. At first, what you say ‘no more’ turns into a ritual and you are getting used to this mass nonsense. The attitude you have developed towards him is getting more and more soft and you are starting to think that this is ‘usual’. Its name is psychosis. The human brain shows a reflex to adapt to the conditions it is in. Even if there is something that doesn’t suit you, the brain feels obliged to adapt to this view if you are constantly exposed to it.

TikTok videos, which have been coming to our front in recent times, are the best examples of this. When you quit social media, stupidity ceases to be an acceptance and the brain does not have to tolerate them. In a nutshell, you don’t get stupid, you don’t have to accept stupidity, you start not seeing mindlessness as something ‘normal’.

The last pile of social media is the desire to be liked, as everyone has expressed. What we call “like” puts you right in front of what you must achieve as a result of long efforts. When you try to feed your desire to be appreciated with social media posts, you turn the reward mechanism of your brain into sieve. Every “like” you get activates that mechanism. After a while, the brain gets used to it and is no longer satisfied. Whatever you do, this region, which you cannot feed, is always waiting for you. However, you cannot give it and the incident turns into dissatisfaction. No matter what he does, stress rises in every person who is not satisfied. When you quit social media, the reward mechanism takes a deep breath. Because it is not always satisfied, it returns to normal and you do not deal with the feeling of dissatisfaction. The praise of a person you meet in social life causes great confidence. As a result, you are a little closer to be a normal person.

Source: eksisozluk.com