Why do we dream? Why do we cry? Why do we sleep? And why do we do many more?

Why do we dream Why do we cry Why do we sleep And why do we do many more

Thanks to science, we have countless important information about our environment and the universe. We learned enough about physics to send people to the Moon. We discovered that DNA carries our genetic information. Scientists today have even come close to solving the mystery of whether cats behave like both solids and liquids.

Although the answers of various question marks in different fields have been found thanks to science, there is still not enough explanation for some cases. I have compiled for you 10 situations that even science still has no answer.

Why do we cry?

Sometimes we cry from happiness sometimes as we cry while watching a sad movie scene. But according to science, crying in response to intense emotions does not seem to be a useful behavior, and this may not have a biological purpose.

According to research, the chemical composition of the tears produced when we cry, called psychic tears, is different from the composition of tears that help to remove foreign bodies from the eye. This has led some scientists to think that the chemical secretions of psychic tears heal people emotionally. However, there is no evidence that chemical differences have significant psychological effects, unfortunately.

Some evolutionary psychologists suggest that stressful situations such as blurred vision, surrender and helplessness cause crying. However, other researchers state that we can often cry even after a stressful situation has been resolved.

Why do we sleep?

Too little sleep damages our thinking mechanism in the short term and increases the risk of serious illness in the long term. Sleep may have evolved because it has helped us recover, memory and other critical processes, but we still have a lot to learn about why we sleep.

For now, it is an undoubted fact that sleep provides an important evolutionary advantage, even though there is no definite answer to why we sleep.

How do we get old?

Although reactive chemicals called free radicals are blamed for aging, they are not the only reason. For example, shortening of telomeres is another event that causes aging.

A lot of research has been done to clarify the issue of aging, but none can be said to provide a enough explanation for the entire aging process.

Why do we laugh?

Laughing like crying may have developed as a social function throughout the evolutionary process. Laughter is not unique human behavior. For example, rats can laugh when tickled.

Unlike other emotional reactions, laughter affects every aspect of our brains, including motor parts, and surprisingly most of our laughter is not about comedy. Studies show that less than 20% of laughter occurs as a result of something funny.

We know that tickling causes laughter, but this leads to another inevitable question ‘So why are we tickled?’

Why do we itch?

Basically, itching is an unpleasant condition that triggers the urge to scratch. Itching can get worse as you scratch it, but itching may also serve a purpose. Mechanical itching can be a warning that insects or parasites are biting you.

This hypothesis is difficult to test and does not include chemical itching caused by histamine and other scratch-causing substances. Long after you miss your chance to throw a mosquito out of your skin, histamine in the itchy lump it left behind continues to force you to scratch. Whether such itching has a purpose and whether itching is an accidental activation is not exactly known. It looks like you will continue to scratch if you have itchy eyelids.

Why do we dream?

The more complicated the question Why are we sleeping, the more complicated is the question Why are we dreaming? Dreaming is associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, in which REM sleep is not yet fully understood. Therefore, REM sleep disorder is not fully understood.

Some thinkers claim that the dream has helped us find or rehearse problems in our life, but it cannot be said to be solid evidence of this.

Some people may care about their dreams, but dreaming may have no meaning. It is difficult to examine the neurological basis of the strange and highly subjective experience of dreaming. For this reason, we have not yet fully understood the origin of dreaming.

How does general anesthesia work?

Scientists know that local anesthetics such as Novocain block pain signals before they reach the central nervous system by changing the function of specific proteins on nerve cells. But the molecular basis of general anesthesia is more mysterious. These drugs seem to interfere with the functions of various proteins on nerve cells, but how they accomplished this is not fully understood.

General anesthetics and general anesthesia drugs do not work in various types and all the same, so developing models of how compounds work at the molecular level is still under investigation in the scientific world.

Why only some storms turn into hurricanes?

In some cases, hurricanes can occur when temperature changes in the air flow downward around the mesocyclones. This idea has theoretical and experimental support, but hurricanes can occur even without temperature variations. The net reason for this situation is still being explored in scientific circles.

Why are some people left-handed?

While only a very few of the people, like 10%, use the left hand more dominantly, the number of people using the right hand is quite high. It is also surprising that this disproportionality is unique to humans, because there is no disproportion in any animal being in the animal kingdom.

It is known that being left-handed is a genetic feature, which means that responsible genes must offer some advantages in order to pass successfully. However, it is not clear what this advantage can be.

According to studies of prehistoric history, it has shown that the percentage of left-handed people remains almost the same throughout all human history.

Why is there sacrifice?

It is clear that in the hunter-gathering period, where survival is very difficult, sharing food in the middle of the forest is contrary to the survival instinct. So how and why did sacrifice come to our day? You guessed it right: we do not know exactly.

Scientists have tried to uncover the secret of sacrifice in the past century. In the 60s, George Price produced a complex mathematical equation to try to understand why sacrifice exists. But these studies have exhausted Price so much that Price has committed suicide, eventually feeling dead.

Source: ceotudent.com