How did Fred and George Weasley not see Peter Pettigrew for years on the Marauder’s Map?

How did Fred and George Weasley see Peter Pettigrew for years on the Marauder's Map?

A situation that may have been overlooked by even the toughest fans over the years: Ron Weasley’s older bro, Fred and George Weasley, did not notice Peter Pettigrew, who was disguised as Ron’s rat, while examining the Marauder’s Map showing where everyone was?

The Marauder’s map is one of the favorite magical items of the Harry Potter universe, although it is known for two questions left behind.

How did Fred and George Weasley solve the map that even an experienced wizard like Snape was unable to open?

How did the Weasley brothers realize that their brothers have been walking with a man called Peter Pettigrew for years?

The first question may be answered even though it is implicit, but the second question has no clear answer. In terms of the Harry Potter universe, we must admit that Rowling is clearly sacked.

Fred and George Weasley stole the marauder’s map from Filch’s room when they were sentenced to first class and then started using it. As you know, in order to open the map, it is necessary to say, “I swear with all seriousness that I do not think of anything good”. Who comes to mind to say these words on a piece of paper?

In the 2005 interview, Rowling said, “I swear to say I don’t think anything good, is it just a Fred and George thing?” he explains. When someone asks how he found the exact words, he says that the map helps them, they are getting closer and ultimately, they succeeded.

This is to some extent an acceptable explanation. When the map fell into the hands of Snape, he mocked him. If he was designed to recognize the mischievous student and the teacher, he may have opened himself to Fred and George.

Well, Peter Pettigrew?

How could Fred and George noticed? look, it might be: probably when they started school and got the map, this Sirius Black / Peter Pettigrew story has already been left behind. They may not know who the man is or who he is believed to be dead by the entire wizarding world. What makes the story impossible here is Pettigrew hanging out with the brothers of Fred and George. Otherwise, the map shows everyone in the school. If Pettigrew was someone mentioned in Ravenclaw or any other part of the map, they would probably not even think he was a student they didn’t know. After all, they don’t have to know every student in the school.

What complicates the Pettigrew issue is that it is Percy, then Ron’s mouse. When the twins started school, Percy was in third grade and had scabbers with her. When Percy moved to the fifth grade, he gave the mouse to Ron. Rowling waiting for us to believe that the twins that we are sure will mix everything from the moment they find such a map will not notice or wonder the person named peter next to Percy? moreover, the twins liked to go after Percy and joke with him. It should not be forgotten that Pettigrew probably spent most of his time in the Gryffindor tower. How did the twins, who knew everybody in the tower, with big numbers, noticed a person named “peter” who went into the map from time to time?

Then the mouse switched to Ron and things got more complicated because Ron was sleeping with his mouse at night. How did the twins, who were doing all sorts of mischief, noticed that when they opened the map at night, Ron was sleeping with someone named peter? The main confusion here is that Percy and Ron are the twins’ brothers rather than random students studying in other buildings. There is something called perception selectivity. Fred and George handed the map to Harry when they reached fifth grade. How could they have never noticed and wondered the peter next to their brother for those five years?

At this point, the fans present a thesis like this:

“The map shows only humans. It doesn’t show animals, animaguses or magic creatures.”

In the tenth episode of Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry sees Mrs. Norris and Peeves as soon as he gets the map. Later in the seventeenth chapter, lupine sees both Pettigrew and Sirius in Animagus forms. These are the chapters in the book, not in the movie. This claim is rotting in every way.

Another claim

“The founders of the map are seen only by each other and other users cannot see them.” This claim could win and solve all this sack if Snape didn’t see the map. Snape goes to the barrack shouting in the eighteenth episode of prisoner of Azkaban, taking the map he found open in lupin’s room, and he has three marauders on that map: padfoot, lounger and pintail. If such a restriction was put on the map in time – given the fact that Snape was the enemy of the looters – the first person to be prevented from seeing them would be Snape. This theory also went down. (By the way, the scene in which Harry saw Pettigrew isn’t in the book.)

Another theory

“The map does not consist of a single page, there are multiple pages. Fred and George did not open that part of the map, as they did not have to be protected from anyone in the tower, they only opened the part they would use.”

What to expect from the twins is that when they get the map, they scrutinize everywhere. In the following years, they may not need to look at the Gryffindor section of the map, but after all, the only feature of this map is not showing hidden passages, but who is where. They also need to examine even what part of the map to understand is the Gryffindor tower, and Pettigrew was at school as Percy’s rat when the twins were in first grade. In addition, Percy and Ron did not spend all their time at Hogwarts in the tower, did they ever come across? Especially how could they constantly miss when Ron had a strange habit of carrying his mouse in his pocket?

Some fans come up with a coincidence claim: “Every time Fred and George used the map; Peter was coincidentally in the garden or elsewhere in the school. He didn’t catch twins’ attention because he wasn’t next to Ron and Percy.”

Shall we believe that the twins who used the map for five years did not coincide during this period, while there are examples of lupine and Snape in the third book (as well as at first glance) that see the target as soon as you take the map? five years!

Finally, fans now argue that

“Fred and George saw Pettigrew, and even went after him, but instead of seeing anyone else, they thought there was something wrong with the map.”

Why should the map showing the truth about everyone else and everything make such a mistake? Also, Peter Pettigrew’s name was on the agenda in prisoner of Azkaban and they knew who he was. Even if this name did not attract their attention in the first four years, they would certainly be interested in that year. “Didn’t we see the name of the man who was said to be dead on the map?” They would say. Even if they did not tell anyone, they would immediately run to the map and go after that name, which they thought was broken for years, and they would probably talk to Harry.

The Marauder’s map has worked well for Harry throughout the series and has saved him from trouble many times, but Rowling was unable to save himself from this error while saving Harry from trouble.

Who is Peter Pettigrew, why is it important to see or not?

Pettigrew is one of the best friends of harry potter’s father James Potter. It is also an animagus that can turn into a mouse. So, his nickname is pintail. Pettigrew, who admired James Potter and Sirius Black in his childhood; To protect harry from Voldemort, he was chosen as the secret keeper of the fidelius spell made by Albus Dumbledore. Peter went and explained the potters’ location to Voldemort, causing the death of James and lily. Sirius black pinks Pettigrew down a street when he learns what happened. After this incident, Harry Potter’s best friend, Ron Weasley’s pet, lived as scabbers for many years and thus managed to hide.


In the meantime, let’s mention that there are shoes in the form of Vans marauders map.